The 5 Biggest Benefits of Yoga Retreats

The 5 Biggest Benefits of Yoga Retreats

In the busyness of day-to-day life, it can often feel impossible to carve out time for yourself. For professionals, work deadlines, personal commitments, and the constant flow of information can leave you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. Typically, “pushing through”...
8 Natural Ways To Soothe Stress and Calm Anxiety 

8 Natural Ways To Soothe Stress and Calm Anxiety 

When we feel stressed or anxious, it can be a challenge to remember that you have agency over your emotions. It’s easy to forget the simple ways that we can support ourselves back into balance. Fortunately, nature gives us lots of options that are free or...
4 Apps For Wellness and Gratitude

4 Apps For Wellness and Gratitude

Technology is an ever-present reality in our daily lives. From phones to watches and other wearable tech, using these devices has become a norm across the world. While the harmful effects of overusing technology have been studied, we always have agency over how we...